Monday 9 April 2012

Feeling guilty!!

With our daughter and husband, son and girlfriend descending on us for Easter, we had little choice but to forgo any training this weekend - but we did do a fair amount of walking (to pubs!) and a lot of eating!  And I did take my son in law out for a swift 7 mile sprint on my mountain bikes on Easter Sunday.  But somewhere between last weekend and this one, I have managed to pick up a cold, which, as usual, has descended onto my chest - extremely annoying and it means I will have to keep this week a bit lighter on the training. 

But this is only a minor setback and I will keep the leg muscles turning over on the rolling road during the week, so as not to stir up my chest too much.  Gilly, in the meantime, is on a strict training regime after tonight and will be out on her bike tomorrow night.

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