Monday 30 April 2012

Day 2

High winds, heavy rain and fording rivers did not stop us from achieving our goals yesterday.  The only sad part of our day was that Jayne, our lady runner, had contracted a particularly nasty virus the week before and it was always a slight question in her mind as to whether she would recover enough for the run around Cornwall. She managed the first day, but with difficulty, and it was a Team decision that she and David (husband and other runner) would support us (the three cyclists). Particularly nice yesterday with the bad weather!!  Plans are afoot for the cyclists to hand the baton to Jayne and David in a few weeks to complete their part of the challenge.

On to the day. Battered and bruised, we made it to Fowey, feeling quite cold. But after a swift coffee and sticky cakes at Niles Bakery,we all felt a lot better.  We had some serious hills to contender with, the one out of Polperro and Port Mellon being particularly tough. But we did everything without walking.  We then had to ford a river which had burst its banks, which was really exciting and was the highlight of the day!!

We arrived at our B&B near Port Loe in wet crumpled heaps and after a nice hot shower (someone who shall be nameless had a bath and took all the water!!), we repaired to the New Inn pub in Veryan.  Hot fire, wonderful food, fantastic quiz and even better, loads of money for the cause!!  Thank you all who were there and who supported us, even if we came last in the quiz!!

So today, we are off on one of the toughest legs - Port Loe to Coverack, via King Harry, Falmouth, Swanpool, Mawnan Smith, Gweek, St Anthony in Meneage and down th coast to Coverack.  As I sit here writing this, the weather does not look too bad - but never trust the weatherman!!!

For those of you who have been texting us or trying to ring us, we are sorry, the signals are very intermittent on the Roseland and, where we are now, not around at all.

Hmm, how do we cross this!!!??
Lovely views neaer Caerhayes

One of the many hills that day

Stormy weather

How to ford a swollen river with a tandem

How Mrs Collins did it!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you were enjoying yourselves! I trust you managed to keep the clothes dry?
