Monday 9 April 2012

Easter Training

The plan was to run from Plymouth to Stokeinteignhead in 3 days. A distance of about 100 miles. We had booked B & B accommodation in Hope cove, and Dartmouth. So the first day saw us setting off from Plymouth in beautiful weather. We had three river crossings to make on this first day, and there was therefore a bit of pressure on with making sure we got to each one before the ferries stopped for the day. All went fairly smoothly for the first one. The next one we had to wade across, and we missed the last one! Ok, it was probably my fault for wanting an extra hour in bed! Because of this, we had to add on another 7 miles at the end of the day to go all the way up the creek, and down the other side. There was also a ford to paddle through as the tide had come in and submerged the road. We did make it to Hope cove in one piece, slightly cold and tired, but able to enjoy a five course meal!
The next morning, after devouring yet more food, we set off towards Dartmouth. Again, the weather was kind to us, although it did look like it was going to rain at one point. Another Ferry crossing at Salcombe, along with trying to avoid the hordes of holiday makers ambling through the narrow streets, and very soon we were back on the coastpath. This was a stretch I knew well, having raced it on the South Devon coastal marathon a couple of times. Today, we were taking it a bit slower so I had chance to appreciate the views a bit more. We stopped at Beessands where David managed to eat a huge meal of homemade burger and cheesey chips, and still be able to run 10 miles after it! We got to Dartmouth, found our B & B, and crashed out for the night.
Rather than run through Torquay and Paignton, we decided to go inland the next day and use small roads and green lanes to make our way to Stokeinteignhead. This involved quite a lot of mapwork, but was a lovely route, with a stop at Berry Pomeray castle. We made good time and got to our destination where we enjoyed a delicious meal cooked by my Mum, and David was able to watch the closing stages of the Masters golf with Tom.
Main lesson learnt from this training run is that my rucksack is going to have to be lighter for the real event! I think we will both need to really pare down what we carry as extra weight just makes it harder.

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