Sunday 25 March 2012

Weekend training 24/25 March

We made the most of the fantastic sunny weather to get out and practice some really slow running on Saturday. We also built a break into our 16 mile run, to get us used to eating and resting at regular intervals. This is going to be important for our recovery. Obviously it is tempting to go out too fast intially, and to keep on running, as we are both used to doing this in races. However, we will need to keep to a strict schedule if we are to get through to the latter part of the week's running. So we are aiming to split each day roughly into 8 mile sections. We will make sure that at each 8 mile point we stop, eat and drink.
My sister joined us yesterday, for the section around Stithians lake.
On Sunday, David raced in An Resek, a mostly off road 10 mile race at Helston. I jogged around the course the opposite way, and cheered on the runners as they came along the coastpath section just after Looe bar. I added a few miles on to make 15 for the day.

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