Sunday 18 December 2011

December 18th. More details!

Well, we have confirmed a bit more of our route. It is a obvious really...we just go around the edge of Cornwall, keeping the sea on our left! We will be starting at Mount Gould in Plymouth. The reason for the start here is that Mount Gould has the Stroke ward for this area, and it seemed entirely fitting for our event. We shall then cross over on the ferry to Cremyll, and follow the coastpath until we get to Mead, which is on the Cornwall/Devon border on the North coast.
The runners (Jayne & David) will be sticking to the coastpath, and the cyclists (Gill, Geoff and Roz) will be following a road route which keeps as close to the path as possible. We hope that we will be able to meet up at set points each day, as well as be staying in the same evening location. For all of us, our estimated daily mileage will be approx 35 miles, although some days may be slightly less.

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